Published On: Tue, Jan 16th, 2018

$850,000 to treat blindness – Will drugmakers make it?

Spark Therapeutics Inc has taken the initiative to address the rare form of blindness (due to genetic reason) that occurs in March. It is a one-time treatment but costs about $425,000 per eye. The CEO of Spark has laid this foundation and invited federal government, central government, and Institute for Clinical and Economic Review to work on the high Luxturna price and make it accessible to the victims.

Since this treatment is productive, Spark partnered with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and are trying to identify the obstacles and make it easy for health insurers as well as drugmakers to reach the needy. Meanwhile, Spark has decided to guarantee for this medicine (with refunds facility) and offered different payment models for patients.

There are few roadblocks in making this treatment accessible by all. These are:
– Inadequate financing vehicles to cope the innovation
– Ongoing payment model
– Approval from US government to this single intervention

Will the drugmakers make it? Will this address the rare blindness problem? We hope so!


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